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Best Practice Guide to Brand Experience in 2020

Written by Mark Bennedick | 21.00.20

2020 is the year where purpose-driven brands will propel with the use of advanced technology and design. However, despite the advancements of digital methods and devices, our desire for human connection is ongoing and innate. The key is building authentic connections with experiences that enrich people’s lives. Here’s our best practice guide to brand experiences to make 2020 your best year for business yet. 


Be Consistent 

The benchmark is set at consistency. Fail to meet this and you could receive public ridicule and criticism. This equates for visual branding, purpose and ethics, and social responsibilities.

A great example of a brand that nails this consistency is Hendrick’s Gin, always playing on curious and weird inventions. Hendrick’s has built loyalty in their audience because their customers have come to know and lock Hendrick’s for their odd, fascinating experiences. Their experiences always align with their mission and tone of voice. 


Human Centric

“Customers are ready to move on unless they have one thing- an undying relationship with a person or people at your brand who made them feel uniquely special” - Kramer 2014

Purchases are emotional. We’re beyond the days where b2b is about selling to a business, but empowering and equipping the individual on their path to purchase by creating an authentic connection with individuals. By facilitating experiences that are personal and speak to the individual, strong relationships can be developed between an audience and their host. 

Brand experience isn’t about selling, it’s about making the guest the centre of attention. Every aspect should be adding value to their life and moving to fulfil their needs.

Keep this at the forefront of all your designs and ask yourself how each element will work to better your guests. 


Throw Out Your Rule Book 

Trends are progressive. In 2020, brand experience will be driven by imagination and reinvention. This is the year we’ll see traditional concepts reinvented to surprise and delight audiences. The methodology and psychology behind experiences are all tried and tested but the creative environment you conjure has no limits other than your imagination. 

We saw this with Facebook’s initiative to rebuild trust with its users when they announced the launch of their privacy cafes; cafes where visitors could get a “privacy report” with a free coffee. Cafes are an ancient concept but here Facebook has taken a traditional means and reinvented it to create human-centric experiences. 


Use Technology For Support

Technology and software are made to solve human problems. Use it to your teams benefit. Apply technology to administrative roles that are time-consuming, like guest registration or staff induction. Even voice technology could be used as an effective tool for efficiency. 

If your objectives are to reach and engage new audiences, use technology to assist social media amplification. This could take shape as having an event hashtag and displaying it around your event or experience. Different software is available to track your digital impact and even filter the posts into a content feed to display live at your activation.


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