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Tribeca Film Festival's Virtual Arcade

Written by Anthony Halprin | 03.03.18

The days of the flat screen are over and we are seeing this not only in the events industry, but in the film and theatre industry as well. Immersive film experiences are where it's at and for the first time, the Tribeca Film Festival offered an arcade exhibit with virtual and augmented reality experiences. anyone is able to buy tickets, making the technology accessible to people who want to try it out, adding a unique dimension to the festival.

Perhaps what is most important about VR and AR’s inclusion this year, is that it's challenging the stereotype that the technology can only be experienced in isolation. This year, the aim was to make the experience social, in a room full of 26 exhibits with unlimited possibilities, where one can ride a dragon, swim with whales and save a child’s life. 

Our goal as experience designers is to find ways to apply technology in meaningful ways to enrich people’s lives and thus, this application is especially inspiring.