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9 Tips To Improve Health, Happiness & Productivity In The Office

Written by Ashlee Minto | 17.00.19

Working in high-paced environments can be stressful. We've put together some of our best office tips to help you make your workplace healthier, happier, and more productive! 


  1. Encourage Breaks and Rest
    Ensure your employees are taking time out for themselves by encouraging your team to take regular breaks away from their screens. In a study conducted by Tork it found that 90% of employees say that taking a lunch break makes them feel refreshed and ready to get back to work. 

  2. Lookout For Each Other
    Check in on your team. Ask how they’re doing or if they need assistance. Often people aren’t very willing to ask for help so create an environment where people feel comfortable speaking up by simply asking them if they need anything. Instilling this mentality in your team will foster stronger team work. 

  3. Bring Plants Into Your Space
    Incorporating plants into your office design has proven to reduce stress, increase productivity, and boost creativity. There are plenty of guides online for choosing the right plants for your space and ability to maintain them.

  4. Provide Healthy Snacks and Refreshments
    Everybody loves snacks. Stock the kitchen with healthy, nutrient dense snacks that can help staff stay energised and focused throughout the day. The Sense kitchen often has fresh fruit, protein balls, pickles, nori strips, pickles, and dark chocolate, along with plenty of herbal tea and organic coffee. 

  5. Reward Your Team
    Rewarding your team for their efforts creates a positive culture. It shows you care and their hard work is appreciated. This can be done in many ways such as throwing regular team lunches, incentivising work, or simply telling people when they’re doing a great job. Hard work shouldn’t go unnoticed. 

  6. Host Mindful Activities
    Embed balanced health and wellness practices into the work culture by facilitating mindful activities. Yoga and meditation are great options to lift the mood and educate your team on how to stay calm and focused. Sense has previously worked with Jodi Gien from Mindful Future Project to educate and engage our team in mindful practices.
  7. Prioritise Mental Health
    Understand people have personal commitments and challenges outside of work. Ensure your team is capable of identifying mental health crisis and understand how to approach and support these sensitive circumstances. Mental Health issues in the workplace can be challenging to navigate so learn how to identify and manage conflicts that may arise.
  8. Test the Four Day Work Week
    In a recent experiment, Microsoft Japan has proven the four day work week can increase productivity in employees up to 40%. Events in particular are known to result in long days and stressful weeks in the lead up to large productions. At Sense we always encourage people to take a few extra days off after an event and work four days a week over the Summer months. 

  9. Allow dogs!
    Would it surprise you if we told you that having dogs in the workplace reduces blood pressure, lowers stress, and make employees more cordial and productive? Three of our furry friends are known to visit Chantel's dog Luna, Amelia's dog Sunny and Mel's rescue greyhound Eli… we feel very spoilt whenever they stop by to hang out.